Roadtrip III - Misc Distilleries
15/May - 21/May - 2017

Auchentoshan | Oban - Arran - Fallkirk Wheel - Kingsbarn

After our Dublin City trip in 2016 we decided 2017 was again time for a proper road trip.
So plans were made, bookings were arranged and come May we were on our way in the general direction of Glasgow.

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Auchentoshan Distillery
16th of May 2017


After a quick check in at the hotel, we arranged a taxi to bring us a few hundred meters back to the Auchentoshan Distillery.

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We were more than in time before the Tour and after short wait through the shop we were taken into the production area where we immediately got our first dram while were informed about the Mill and the base ingredients of Whisky.

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After this it was off to the Mashtuns and Washbacks accompanied by another dram

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Next stop is the reason why this Distillery was on this year's itinerary The three stills for the triple distillation.

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After the Still room there was a short walk over the Distillery grounds towards the Warehouse [No Pictures] and then off to a small tasting room where you will be guided through a small tasting. Afterwards there is time to sit back and relax with your last dram before you end up in the Distillery Shop for the souvenies.

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After our shopping streak we made our way back to the hotel for a hot meal and an additional drink before we were off to bed. Tomorrow we should be off to Oban.


Auchentoshan | Oban - Arran - Fallkirk Wheel - Kingsbarn

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