Scotch Whisky Experience - Edinburgh
06th of April 2013


After I got back from my trip in 2012 to Edinburgh and The Scotch Whisky Experience several mates asked if I was going to do (something like) it again. And as it seemed to be more fun with more people I decided to go again this year, but now with some friends. Again with the plane, and bus, and an extra day....

With a Guesthouse in the center and a view on the Castle we took the first day to visit the Palace of Holyrood House at the bottom of the Royal Mile Obviously we had to finish the day off with a Scotch in a Pub. My first encounter with the Lagavulin 16....

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The Second day we started with a 'climb' up the Mile to visit the Castle and watch the One O' Clock gun firing. After a quick lunch we headed over to the The Scotch Whisky Experience.

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This time I brought a smaller camera allowing me to take pictures of the big collection of Whisky.

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After the tour we ended again in the bar for a tasting :-)

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With a souvenir from the Mile and a 'Travel Exclusive' from the airport we returned home as happy men.

GF2012   Balvenie Triple Cask


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